WorldBox Update 0.23|| Species, Subspecies, Genetics, Rocky Biome.


Genetics, Species and Subspecies Next Update Worldbox.

The creator of worldbox announced new things included in the next update.

Among these are.

Species and subspecies as a new mechanic Every time a new creature is created, it will be assigned a subspecies.

(according to what I understand, this will give rise to countless new species, it will be a lot of variety, something like cultures)

And it will be customizable.

And they show us an image of what the rock biome would be on the map, but most importantly we see a part of the glass biome with a new subspecies which can make glass houses and they look quite different from other races we have seen.

The subspecies will acquire genetic traits from their population and especially biome, these being the great influencers, these traits will be transmitted to the offspring.

And finally, a new subspecies window will be added with numerous characteristics.



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