All buildings in WorldBox everything you must know, (explained)

Hello guys, how are you?, today we will talk about the constructions of civilizations in worldbox focusing on humans.

---The first thing we must keep in mind is that these structures vary depending on the race and have purposes, there are many, but they can be classified into three groups, housing, administrative or special buildings and support buildings.

So let's start talking about the houses:

---They are structures in which the inhabitants of a village live.

In addition, many activities take place inside them, such as:

  creation of weapons, baking of bread, collection and administration of resources, among others that are of vital importance and these houses have phases, that is to say as the town develops and time passes they change until a final form, then the phases:

- First house: small and uncomfortable is similar to a camp.

-     Second house: wooden, already with some decorations and more space.

-     - Third house: wooden and a little more robust

Fourth house: made of stone and wood, with a more modern design and can have two floors.

-      Fifth house: slightly larger than the previous one, it includes more accessories such as a fireplace and a drinking fountain.

-      Sixth house:


increase the number of rooms in addition to adding recreational places.

-          Seventh house: they are the largest and can hold many inhabitants and utensils, or provisions, they have a nice design and good space.

Now we will talk about administrative or special buildings:

  These have the particularity that they are only one per city and that they grow as the city does and that kings, leaders and important citizens usually live in them, they are also the favorite warehouses in terms of storing things from weapons to food, They have three levels.

First level: it is a mostly wooden structure, in some parts stone.

Second level: the wood almost disappears, gold details are added and the building becomes robust.

Third level: the wood disappears, more gold is added or in the case of the orcs bones, in addition the building becomes very pleasing to the eye.

Special constructions: they have very vital purposes:

Mine: it is the same design for all civilizations and is used to obtain any ore in the game, although it cannot replace deposits or mountains.

Water well: it is a well from which water is extracted for drinking or other activities.

Training camp: civilians are trained to become powerful warriors.

Campfire: It is the first construction of the town and gives heat and light to the surroundings, in addition to creating cultures around them.

Ports: They are the pillar of trade, colonization, maritime food and wars.

I hope you liked it.


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